
Monday, January 25, 2010

See my project in One-Yard Wonders

One-Yard Wonders: 101 Sewing Fabric Projects; Look How Much You Can Make with Just One Yard of Fabric!
In all the holiday hullabaloo, I didn’t get a chance to mention that I got my contributor copy of One-Yard Wonders! If you haven’t already, go check out a the book—it’s full of patterns for everything from pet beds to aprons, including my Hanging Wall Pockets pattern. Each project is made from a single yard of fabric, which handily eliminates cutting-counter fretting over whether a pattern called for 3 yards or 4...or was it only 2? The book’s an especially great resource for browsing to find gift patterns.

Hanging Wall PocketsHere are the wall pockets just before they flew the nest for their moment in the spotlight. They were actually quite handy for corralling all the sewing-room paperwork, so now that I’m settling into a new sewing room in a new house, I’m thinking of making up another version with a different fabric for each pocket panel. But Princess Fluffinstuff may need a bed sewn from one of the book’s other patterns first, as Felis Domesticus has taken over the poor dog’s bed....

If you make anything from the book, upload a photo to the One-Yard Wonders Flickr pool—and if you make the pockets, add it to my Feed Dog Designs pool too. (I already spotted Emily’s version in the OYW pool—it looks great and she has some good tips for beefing up the pockets!)